
Facebook is now the most popular social networking site on this planet and its followers are second to none. There are a lot of events going simultaneously on Facebook and it looks like the numbers are constantly increasing. However, Facebook provides so many types of services for the promoters that sometimes it can become a challenge for the marketing team, as they are in a hole about how to use so many functions together. This is where we at IT Solution come in play. We make sure that you are able to reap the benefits from the services that Facebook offers in order to promote your organization in the business circles. Let us guide you on how we can help in promoting your business on Facebook.

Facebook Facts and Statistics

  • 30 million businesses now have a Facebook Fan Page.
  • 19 million businesses have optimized their Fan Page for mobile.
  • Businesses are paying 122% more per ad unit on Facebook than they did just a year ago.
  • 1.5 million businesses now spend money on Facebook ads.
  • 829 million people use Facebook on a daily basis
  • 654 million people use Facebook on mobile on a daily basis, an increase from 609 million last quarter.
  • 63% of Facebook users engage on a daily basis.
  • The average Facebook user spends 40 minutes a day on the platform.
  • People search 1 billion times per day on Facebook
  • Facebook users bought $234 million dollars worth of virtual goods and gifts on Facebook over the last quarter.
  • Twice as many people now watch videos on Facebook in their feed compared to just six months ago.
  • 80% of the top apps on iOS and Android use Facebook Login.

Why Facebook?

Facebook is a must have

Facebook tops the social media platforms in 2014 lists. If you’re not up-to-date on this platform, then you need to get up-to-speed quickly. In some locations around the world, Facebook may be the only social media platform. While raving fans may be active on Facebook, prospects and customers expect you to give them something in return for liking and engaging with you on this social media platform. It usually means targeted discounts.

Expect to support your Facebook marketing with on-site advertising. 90% of marketers use Facebook ads.

Facebook Marketing Services

Fan Page Set Up And Management

You can build customer loyalty through a Facebook fan page. Like every great soccer player has his share of fans, every company must also have its own share of fans. We help in setting up your very own business fan page, ranging from the looks to the content, which include uploading of profile images, cover photos, creating album, company info and description. We manage everything on your page after the initial set up such as responding to messages, publishing engaging content, news and updates. Our whole purpose is not only to make you grow stronger but also to build a community like yours.

Targeted ‘Likes’

We help in generating ‘fans’ on your Facebook page by targeting users who has a similar interest or are in a similar industry as you. Our job is also to increase the quantity and quality of your Fans. A key component of our Facebook marketing services is the community building aspect. We will build your community by encouraging people who have shown a direct interest in what you do to ‘like’ your page. We will help you in creating your success story through the medium of Facebook marketing.

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Analytics and Reporting

It is extremely important that you are always fully informed about what we are doing and how things are progressing. This is done through an assessment and analytic of your Facebook page at the end of each month. We will send you a full PDF report which encapsulates every details, showing you exactly what has been going on with your Facebook page. Detailed reports can help companies to make decisions and improving on their social media marketing strategies

Add-on: Facebook Advertising

We provide targeted advertising services on Facebook as well. It allows advertisers to target a specific group of people based on age, personal interests and more. Facebook can even comb through user profiles to place your ads only on pages that mention a specific keyword. As a result, only the right people will be able to see your ads, trusting that those people are the kind of person that is going to patronize you. Hence, this cost-effective strategy increases the chance of turning potential Facebook users into your customer. Advertisements will be displayed at the right hand side column of the users’ newsfeed, which makes it hard to miss.

Similar to Google AdWords, Facebook advertising is pay per click, which means that you are charged by per click basis. However, you can instead opt to pay for impressions, if it’s simply brand awareness that you are looking for. This allows you to tailor your ad campaign based on budget and other preferences.

Thanks to the targeted nature of Facebook advertising, your online campaign can reach your target market at a fairly affordable price. Sign up for a Social Media Marketing Package that includes Facebook Advertising Services now.