Difference Between Domain-Validated and Organization-Validated SSL Certificates and Which One is Right for You
In the digital age, it’s essential to secure your website with an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate. But what type of SSL are you supposed to get? There are a few different types, each with its own purpose. In this blog post, we’ll review the differences between domain-validated and organization-validated SSL certificates and how they can help secure your website.
Domain Validated SSL Certificates
A domain validated SSL certificate is the simplest and most common type of SSL certificate. It verifies that you own the domain but doesn’t provide any additional information about your organization.
Getting a Domain Validated SSL Certificate is easy, and most SSL companies issue it within a day. Furthermore, it’s cheaper and has lesser warranty and features.
Organization Validated SSL Certificates
An organization validated SSL certificate verifies both the domain ownership and the organization’s identity. This added layer of security provides visitors with the assurance that they are dealing with a legitimate website and not a spoofed or phishing site.
Organization Validated SSL Certificates generally come with a higher level of warranty than Domain Validated Certificates. Meaning that if there are any financial losses caused by an issue with the certificate, the issuing Certificate Authority will provide more financial compensation to remedy the situation.
Which Type of SSL Certificate is Right for Me?
The one you go for among domain-validated and organization-validated SSL Certificates depends on the nature of your website.
Domain-validated (DV) certificates are the most basic and are typically used for personal websites or blogs. They can also be suitable for small businesses, as long as the website doesn’t take any personal or sensitive information from the user.
Organization-validated (OV) certificates offer more assurance and are generally used by bigger businesses and e-commerce stores. It helps to improve user trust as the user can be assured that they’re providing their information to a legitimate company.
How to Get an SSL Certificate?
Here’s the process for getting Domain-Validated and Organization-Validated SSL Certificates:
Domain Validated (DV)
DV SSL Certificates are the easiest to obtain since they don’t require extensive paperwork or a lengthy approval process. You simply need to prove that you own the domain name in question. Once you’ve done that, you can generate a CSR code and submit it to your chosen Certificate Authority (CA). After your request has been processed, you’ll receive your certificate.
Organization Validated (OV)
Compared to DV SSL certificates, OV SSL certificates are more complex and take longer to obtain. That’s because you’ll not only need to prove that you own the domain name but also that your organization is legitimate. The approval process for an OV certificate can take several days or even weeks, so be sure to plan if you’re going this route.
Final Words
It is important to get an SSL Certificate to protect your customer’s privacy and build trust. And while there are many SSL Certificate providers out there, picking one could be a hassle. IT Solution Pte Ltd has been offering free consultations for choosing an SSL Certificate. In addition to it, we can also help you get and install the certificate you want at a discounted price. Contact us for more information.