Singapore SMEs Most at Risk of Data Breach

Singapore SMEs Most at Risk of Data Breach

Expert Says Singapore SMEs Are Vulnerable to Potential Malicious Entry and Data Breach Recently, SingHealth’s IT system was hit by one of the biggest security breaches in the history of the country. According to Kurt Wee, President of the Association of Small and Medium Enterprises, many Singapore SMEs (small and medium enterprises) are vulnerable to…

Printing Errors Lead to Data Breach

Printing Errors Lead to Data Breach

Simple Printing Errors Lead to Data Breach: Too Unconventional, Yet Possible Did you know that careless handling in printing would lead to a data breach? Often, we heard of data breaches due to insiders’ jobs or cyber-attacks. Little do we know that printing errors can lead to unintentional data disclosure and data leaks, too. Whether…

Personal Information of 1.5m SingHealth Patients Stolen in Singapore

Personal Information of 1.5m SingHealth Patients Stolen in Singapore

Hackers Steal Millions of Patients’ Personal Information: How Does Singapore React? The personal information of 1.5 million SingHealth patients, including Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and a few other ministers, has been stolen in one of the country’s most serious cyber attack incidences. SingHealth is Singapore’s largest group of healthcare institutions. It comprises of…

The Move From HTTP to HTTPS

The Move From HTTP to HTTPS

HTTP to HTTPS: What Can We Expect from this Massive Google Update? From July 2018 onward, all sites that do not use the HTTPS encryption will automatically be flagged by Google’s Chrome browser. According to reports, this is in line with the launch of Chrome 68, which at the moment is the most recent edition…

ICANN's New Domain WHOIS Verification - The Policy and Procedures

ICANN’s New Domain WHOIS Verification – The Policy and Procedures

What Are the New Domain Policy and Procedures to About ICANN’s WHOIS Verification? The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (“ICANN”), is an international non-profit corporation that plays one important role in the internet governance ecosystem. Moreover, this ranges from the Internet Protocol (IP) address space allocation, protocol identifier assignment, generic (gTLD) and country…

Confidential Information Possibly Compromised in Malware Attack

Confidential Information Possibly Compromised in Malware Attack

Another Incident of a Malware Attack Potentially Compromising Private Information A malware attack has reportedly hit an outsourced Australian-based vendor in Singapore. Consequently, it may have compromised confidential information of applicants for public-service jobs. According to reports, the main victims were users of the Careers@Gov online portal, where vacancies are listed and applicants invited for…